Sustain Beauty Co

November 1, 2024

Beyond Recycling: Embracing Conservation for True Salon Sustainability

Recycling isn't a sustainability plan for salons.

Many salons proudly highlight their recycling efforts as an example of their leadership in sustainability. As they should. The problem is, they often stop there, sweeping over-use and convenient excess under the rug. While recycling is important, it’s only one part of a comprehensive sustainability approach. The foundation of sustainable salon practices truly begins with conservation - reducing waste, cutting costs, and protect our planet.

  • Introduction
  • Meet the expert
  • The 5 most comfortable heels to buy in 2023
  • Tips to find comfortable heels
  • Fun facts
  • Conclusion

Table of Contents

Define Conservation

Conservation means using resources carefully to prevent waste and reduce environmental impact. For salons, this includes practices like installing energy-efficient lighting, limiting water usage, and opting for eco-friendly products. In the U.S. alone, salons consume nearly 36 billion gallons of water annually, making water conservation an impactful opportunity.

Why it matters to stylists

Conservation plays a critical role in sustainability by helping salons reduce their environmental footprint. For instance, research shows that the main drain on your energy comes from heating your water - at the basin and to wash towels. While you can't get around rinsing your clients comfortably or making sure your HVAC systems keep everyone cozy, there are clever ways to limit what you need to get the job done. 

Conserving resources allows salons to lower their energy, water, and waste output, not only being something else to shout about to their community, but reducing the amount of resources you need to pay to recycle in the first place and saving a ton of cash along the way. 

Saving More Than Water

When Angela Del Mar and her partner, Kevin Wilson, opened their beautiful Salon Del Mar in Santa Fe in 2008, saving water was high on their list of priorities. ‘Water conservation has always been a problem, so we have ensured sustainability is at the heart of our business, keeping a close eye on any innovations that could help us use even less water.’

Gorgeous as it is, New Mexico is high desert, struggling with few natural water reserves, little rainfall and high temperatures. To reinforce the message that water is a precious resource every water bill comes with a graph showing exactly how much has been used by the recipient.

The couple installed ECOHEADS shower heads on to the salon’s three basins and immediately saw a drop in water use.

“Water is expensive, it’s precious. But we recently found a way to slash our water use and to grow without using more.”

- Kevin Wilson

4 Easy Ways Salons Can Conserve

Here are four different ways you can start conserving resources in order to save money, resources, and limit the amount you send for recycling. We've even ordered them in order of biggest return:

Get Water Wise

Did you know that a single shampoo session can use 8-20 gallons of water? Or that it takes a half gallon of water to clean each towel? Small adjustments make a big difference.

Implementing low-flow faucets and water-efficient washing machines (or skip laundry with single-use microfiber towels) curbs excessive water usage and saves a ton of money.

Eliminate Energy Wasters

There are a lot of places that energy gets drained in the salon, but it may not be the most visible. Hot water is the biggest offender with 150 gallons used every day per basin. Cutting back on water usage at the basin and in laundry, can make a big difference in energy usage. Plus, switching to LED lighting, for instance, can cut lighting energy use by up to 85%. Read more about salon energy saving strategies.>>

Be Precise In Your USage

It's so natural to use a little bit extra to skip returning to the color bar to mix a little more. Or to use the same length foil for the entire head, to avoid pacing back and forth to the back room. Time is precious in our industry more than others (an argument I'll have any day).

Tools to help you be more precise in what you actually need will reduce how much is dispensed, putting more money in your pocket at the end of the day and saving the millions of pounds of wasted color disposed of every year.

Reduce Synthetic Products

Choosing organic, sustainable hair care and biodegradable cleaning supplies and detergents minimizes chemical waste and pollution.

Not only that, but you'll reduce the amount of chemicals that come in contact with your skin along with airborn toxins that cause inflammation and exacerbate asthma and other conditions. 

Conserve, Then Recycle

By prioritizing conservation first, salons experience multiple benefits:

  • Cost Savings: Lower energy and water bills lead to direct savings. In fact, salons that adopt sustainable practices report saving 10-30% on operating costs annually. Not only that, but the more you save up-front, the less you pay to responsibly dispose of waste.
  • Client Attraction and Retention: Eco-conscious clients are drawn to salons that practice sustainability. With 73% of millennials willing to spend more on sustainable brands, a green reputation can enhance your salon’s appeal.
  • Positive Environmental Impact: Reducing water, energy, and waste output helps preserve resources and promotes a healthier planet for future generations.
  • Wellness: Stylists work with chemicals all day creating for their clients. While the industry is quickly innovating to introduce new ways to limit harmful chemicals in the pursuit of beauty, we are still surrounded by fumes and toxins. By limiting the amount you use in the first place, you are improving your overall well-being. 

Recycling is an imperative component of minimizing your impact on the planet, but don't stop there! True salon sustainability (and profitability) is rooted in conservation. By implementing conservation-focused practices, salons can lower their environmental impact and become leaders in the sustainable beauty movement. It’s time for salons to elevate their sustainability efforts, moving beyond recycling and making conservation a central part of their mission.

And don't forget to recycle!



The industry-leading basin upgrade instantly cleans and softens the water you rinse your client's with while reducing water and energy usage by up to 65%.

Increase water pressure, filter and clean water, introduce negative ions to soften the water, and remove sediment, rust, and sand. Too many reasons people love it.

Scrummi Hair Towels

At first glance, it seems like it's less sustainable. But when you step back and consider the poison of cotton production, plastic woven in for durability and then released into the water when washed, the laundry, and the fact that they do not last, not only are Scrummi plant-based towels better for the planet, but they also save you roughly 40% on laundry costs.

The Ping X Color Blender

Mix with confidence knowing every mix will be the ultimate consistency - smooth, creamy, and perfect coverage. The Ping X mixes within an air tight container so fumes are kept within the mixer, keeping the color area healthier and odor-free.

The way The Ping X mixes the color provides more coverage with less product, reducing color usage by up to 30% and chemical waste by up to 20%.

The Salon Chair Guys

The Salon Chair Guys trio of plant-based cleaners are focused on helping maintain and restore salon, spa and barbershop furniture. Extend the lifespan of your furniture investment without toxic chemicals and achieve amazing results!

Grab the trio with the The Salon Chair Guys Bundle!

Fun Facts About High Heels

Men's high heels are made to be comfortable and look good, so they will replace the standard sneaker as an everyday shoe. Men are also likely to buy more expensive shoes in order to get a better fit and style. The market for men's shoes will grow by 10% every year through 2024, according to Business Insider. In 2023, there will be almost 4 billion pairs of men's shoes sold each year—a nearly 50% increase from 2022 levels!

London is the most fashion-forward city in the world. It's also a good place to shop for high heels for men, as many stores specialize in selling them. The men's fashion scene is growing rapidly, and there are many stores that sell high heels for men. You'll find everything from classic black pumps to sexy patent leather boots or lace-up loafers with chains attached — especially,there are even some sparkly pairs available too!

Tokyo is a city of contrasts, where you can find high heels and sneakers at the same time. It’s also home to some of the best nightlife in all of Asia, making it an ideal place for any man who wants to dress up on a regular basis. If you're looking for something more low-key, there are plenty of other options: Tokyo has some great shopping districts as well as traditional markets where you can get your hands on just about any shoes!

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