Three Things Young Stylists Should Know

Three Things Young Stylists Should Know


The age-worn saying 'hindsight is 20/20' is one of the most annoying phrases ever uttered for the obvious reason - it's usually mumbled after something frustrating, tragic, or annoying has occurred. For the same reason we study history in school (also annoying) understanding the experiences of those that go before us can help us overcome challenges with fewer bumps on the road. Here are three of the best we've heard along the way.

Use Protection

Get your mind out of the gutter; we're talking about gloves and protective tools that reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals. The youth love to pretend that they'll never be old and wrinkly, but old age comes to us all so in the interest of a long, pain-free career, start early in protecting your body:

  • Nitrile gloves at the basin, the color bar, and while cleaning
  • Mix color in an air-tight compartment, like with The Ping X, or wear a mask while you hand mix in open air
  • Skip the four inch heels and invest in ergonomic mats
  • Save up and invest in ergonomic tools first
  • Reduce exposure to harmful cleaning detergents and cleaning products

Look for Innovation

Technology has never been more advanced, whether that's online systems for managing your books, your schedule or your client messages, or in manufacturing and product development. We are constantly learning and improving, so be on the lookout for things that completely rethink everything you do now. Being dismissive of new ideas is a recipe for staying where you are, rather than growing and building a sustainable career, and as a new professional you have the benefit of seeing and experiencing things for the first time. For example, salon laundry is often a task given to the young assistants as a 'right of passage' but they'll be the first to point out that laundry is not only less sustainable, it's also a waste of money when they could be learning from the experience stylists and hitting the floor building clientele faster. It's no wonder schools and students are in love with products like Scrummi towels. Read how L'Esprit Academy in Michigan made the switch and why.>>

Build Mental Stamina

Hand-in-hand with innovation is looking for ways to safeguard mental health. Hustle culture has shown to break down important boundaries needed to preserve the work / life balance we all need, and stylists are the ultimate hustlers! Don't burn out early. Give young professionals tools that help to build their stamina:
  • Digital schedule with online services
  • Answering service that preserves their break-time for what it is - a break
  • Build transparency between experienced team members and younger professionals on how their work can impact their home life and share tips on how to keep their inner peace
  • Educate younger professionals on how to communicate confidently and professionally
  • Introduce them to support groups online to ask advice

Download the latest checklist from Sustain Beauty Co to get more tips on building mental health and wellness initiatives in the salon.

Starting a career in beauty can be daunting, but the more we invest in our next generation stylists, the better our industry will be. 

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